Resumption of Club Rides

As of 9th June, the Club will resume organised rides on Wednesday evenings in addition to Sunday rides.
For the moment, Club rides are for members only and you must register using the Spond app in order to attend (see details below). Once registered you will receive notifications of all upcoming Club rides, with route details and start time options.
We are continuing to adhere to Scottish Cycling Covid-19 guidance, so if you are planning to attend a club ride, please note the following:
- Club rides are for members only at the moment.
- Club ride notifications will be sent out via the Spond App and if you are planning to attend, you will need to sign-up beforehand to one of the rides on Spond.
- There will be a cut-off time for signing-up of 6pm on Wednesdays, and 6pm on Saturday for Sunday rides.
- If you have not yet registered for the Stonehaven Cycling Club group on the Spond App, just click on this link: then once your registration request has been approved, you will receive all future Club ride notifications.
- If you sign up for a ride, then find you can’t make it, you can decline the Spond invite, which will take your name off the list.
- Start location will be Mackie Academy Bus Bay.
- Start times will be staggered – see below
- Group sizes will be limited to 8.
- Bring a mask in case you need to assist someone or need to be assisted.
- Maintain 2m social distance at the start, end and any breaks/ stops in the ride
- Practise strong hand hygiene – recommend you bring hand sanitizer or wipes.
- Don’t turn up for the ride if you think you have symptoms of Covid-19 or are feeling at all unwell.
Before riding with the Club, please make sure you are familiar with the current Scottish Cycling Covid-19 guidance:
As this may be the first time that you will have cycled in a group for a while, please take suitable precautions to ensure you and your fellow riders get round safely.
- Take it easy, it is not a race, maintain a steady pace with no sudden changes in speed or direction.
- Allow enough space between riders and don’t ride directly behind the rider in front’s back wheel so that you can avoid a collision should the rider in front brake suddenly.
- Signal that you are pulling in or out before doing so.
- Communicate with your group to warn of hazards or that you are slowing down.
- The following link to British Cycling provides some further guidance on group riding,
Start location will be Mackie Academy for all rides, but with staggered start times to reduce numbers gathering at any one time.
On Wednesday Evenings:
- Fast Groups (18 - 20 mph) – meet at 6.20. Route will be South Deeside Road
- Medium Groups (15 - 18 mph) – meet at 6.30. Route will be Denside of Durris, but group can decide to do longer route.
- Slow Groups and Beginners (14 mph and lower) – meet at 6.40. Route will be Denside of Durris, beginners group to do Swanley loop (12 miles). Members of the committee will lead the Swanley loop groups.
Riders will split into sub-groups of 6-8 and go off in 1-2 minute intervals from the above times.
On Sunday Mornings:
Route details and start options will be sent to you via the Spond app no less than 24 hours before the ride.