Resumption of Sunday Club Rides

The club has resumed organising limited Sunday Club Rides, within the guidelines of the current Scottish Cycling Covid-19 Guidance.
If you wish to attend, you must register with the Stonehaven Cycling Club group on the Spond app. If you have not registered yet, just click on this link:
Once your registration request has been approved, you should see the ride details in the app.
Each week a short (30 miles) and a medium (45 miles) ride will be posted on Facebook and invites will be sent via the Spond app.
- As usual, the start time is 9am at Mackie. But anyone who is planning to attend must have signed up beforehand.
- There will be a maximum of six riders per group.
- If you sign-up, then can’t make it, try to let us know, but don’t worry about it, we can live with smaller groups.
- Bring a mask in case you need to assist someone or need to be assisted.
- We are not planning to stop for coffee, the current rules on group sizes outwith the activity make this difficult, so please take sufficient food and drink with you.
- Maintain 2m social distance at the start, end and any breaks in the ride.
- Practise strong hand hygiene; bring hand sanitiser or wipes.
- Don’t turn up for the ride if you think you have symptoms of Covid-19 or are feeling at all unwell.
- Also, mudguards – nothing to do with Covid - but to make things more pleasant in the wet for your fellow riders, please fit mudguards to your bike.
We are following the current Scottish Cycling Covid-19 Guidance, which is updated frequently so please familiarise yourself with that before joining the group.