Winter Turbo Sessions
The weather is changing, the leaves are turning, tan lines that you worked so hard on are vanishing and soon the attraction of being out on your bike will be a distant summer memory.
For the past 3 years SCC having been running turbo sessions at the Community Centre and this year we plan to run some Introductory sessions on the first two turbo evenings.
Sessions start at the Stonehaven Community Centre on Tuesday 31st October and Thursday 2nd November
Tuesdays - After school Club Room. Doors open 1815, session starts 1845
Thursdays - Blue Room. Doors open 1800, session starts 1845- not change of start time.
To ensure that they are inclusive for all our members we have devised a parallel progression for those new to turbo or those returning after a break. Due to the ongoing road works we have delayed the start of the Thursday session by 15 minutes- so no excuse of getting stuck in the traffic! We hope that as many of you will come along and give turbo a try. You can do turbo on your own in your garage or living room but coming to the sessions allow you to pick up tips and have a chat- when you are not breathing too hard (but you choose this as well)
- Kit in car- remember shoes, water and towel- putting your bike and turbo in the car the night before helps avoid the can't be bothered tonight attitude.
- Arrive well before the session arrives, see door opening times above.
- Kit out of car- someone will help you put it all together and check it for you.
- Do the warm up- as much or little but at least 5 minutes.
- Then enjoy the next 40-50 minutes ( you can substitute enjoy with whatever word you wish)
- Cool down 5 mins minimum.
- Kit back in car, home, shower.
- And relax, have a high protein dinner and rehydrate with a liquid of your choice.
- Feel smug and enjoy the leg burn sensation.
- Sleep like a baby!
I will even be making a regular appearance to take the sessions so I hope to see you along too whether you're new or a regular.
Willie Tulloch