Fixing a broken chain at the roadside

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Suffering a broken chain will end your ride very quickly and being prepared for such an event is a must for those out on longer rides. Firstly it is important to keep your chain well maintained , cleaned and lubed. periodically check your chain for wear, this can be done fairly easily using a cheap tool available from your local cycle store. (Bike Remedy).
If you've taken part in any of the large sportives or events its not unusual to see some poor soul carrying their bike over their shoulder, and walking far in shoes with cleats, which is a miserable experience.
Chains stretch over time and this can reflect in poor gear changes and perhaps more impotatntly wear of more expensive components such as you rear cassette (cogs). It's much cheaper to replace a chain rather than a cassette.
Here's a video guide if you are unfortunate enough to have to do this