End of Season - Bikers Ball - Ceilidh

Celebrate a spectacular 2016 season
Unfortunately the light and weather are changing, and its time to relax and reflect on what by any standard must be considered a spectacular season for Stonehaven Cycling Club.
There have been so so many achievements its impossible to single any out any particular one, we have seen many goals and challenges set, and it would be fair to say these have not only been met, but to coin a phrase we collectively "smashed it oot the park!"
Cairn 'o' Mount - has been flattened !
Bealach na Bà- a mere pimple on the way around the epic North Coast 500 !
Ventoux - Not once, not twice, but THREE times in a SINGLE DAY !
Coast to Coast - East to West, West to East!
Beer Festival - Sportive ridden, beer sampled.
Ride The North - yep we still own that !
LEJOG - yep that to !
Pyrennes - Atlantic to the Mediterranean DONE !
Its the Annual End of season Bikers Ball - Cèilidh.
Last years inaugural event was spectacular success, so get your tickets now ! Its a chance to regale in your glory and tell (bore) other club members about your epic season. Or if you prefer just have a few drinks and and let your legs really do the talking (on the dance floor).
Friday 4th November
7PM for 7.30PM
Price: £15 (Stovies included !)
Stonehaven Town Hall
To get your tickets contact Jane Tulloch or Nicola Laurenson via Facebook or email social@stonehaven.bike