Membership Renewal

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As of 1st July 2016 a new year for Stonehaven Cycling Club has begun, and it is now time to renew your membership. The fees for renewal are unchanged and remain at £20 for the first member and a further £10 for partners/spouses.
You will shortly receive an email reminding you of this which will contain the British Cycling website link for renewing. Please note, if you have joined the club since 1st April 2016 you will be automatically renewed until July 2017 and do not need to pay fees again this year.
A change for this year is the introduction of club membership cards which will be issued in due course. The main reason for this is that they will have your emergency contact details printed on them. It would be beneficial to carry these when cycling, especially if you are alone. Therefore please ensure that the emergency contact details are populated during the renewal process.
If you have any membership queries or issues regarding renewals please contact me on
Thank you and happy renewing!